Implementation of Islamic Education Policy in Islamic Schools: Towards a Generation of Muslims with Character and Knowledge
Implementasi Kebijakan Pendidikan Islam Di Sekolah Islam: Menuju Generasi Muslim Yang Berkarakter dan Berilmu
Kebijakan,, Pendidikan Islam,, Generasi Muslim,, Berkarakter,, BerilmuAbstract
Education Policy is the entire process and result of the formulation of educational strategic steps described from the vision and mission of education, in order to realize the achievement of educational goals in a society for a certain period of time. Islamic Education Policy is a series of public concepts in the field of Islamic education that are products that can be used as a reference or guide in making a decision on legal-neutral Islamic education and adjusting to the moderate Islamic education environment. Islamic education is a fundamental pillar in shaping a generation of Muslims with character and knowledge. Islamic education policy is a set of rules, principles, and guidelines made to direct the implementation of education based on Islamic values. And the policy aims to be able to form a generation of Muslims who have faith, piety, noble character, and have extensive knowledge and are expected to be able to contribute positively to the progress of the nation and state. Education policy is to realize the goal of national education, improving the quality of education is a continuous effort to achieve better quality education. This effort not only focuses on the academic aspect, but also covers all aspects of education, including morals, character, and life skills. Improving the quality of education is an important effort in ensuring that educational institutions, such as schools, meet national education standards and provide quality education for students.